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abide act up antic assault attack barbarize batter be enthusiastic be livid be patient be pissed be responsible for bear with composure behave ill bide bluster boil browned off brutalize bubble over burn butcher call the signals caper captain caracole carry on over carry out carry through cavort cease not chafe command conduct continue continue to be control curvet cut a dido cut capers cut up cut up rough dance deal with defeat time defy time destroy direct disport do drag on drive dwell effervesce employ endure engage in engineer enthuse exercise exist extend flounce follow fool around forbear fret frisk frolic fume gambol get into mischief go along go in for go on go on over govern gush gush over hammer handle hang on have a conniption head head up hell around hold hold on hold out hold steady horse horse around horseplay jog on keep keep at keep at it keep busy keep driving keep going keep moving keep on keep trying keep up last last long last out lay waste lead lead on linger live live on live through loot maffick maintain make go make much of make the rules manage maneuver manipulate mastermind maul misbehave misdemean mug never cease not accept compromise officer operate ordain order peg away perdure perennate perform on persevere persist pillage pilot pissed off play play the fool plug away practice prescribe prevail prosecute pull the strings pursue quarterback rage raise Cain raise hell raise sand raise the deuce raise the devil raise the roof ramp rampage rant rant and rave rape rave rave about regulate remain rhapsodize riot roar rollick romp roughhouse ruin run run on sack savage see to seethe simmer sizzle skip skipper slaughter slog on smoke smolder sow chaos specialize in sport stagger on stand stay stay on steer stew storm subsist survive sustain tackle take care of take command take on take on over take the lead take to take up tarry tear tear around terrorize throw a fit tide over trip undertake use vandalize violate wage wait wait it out wear wear well whoop it up work work at wreck


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